Friday, January 9, 2015

T-rex arms suck

Today I decided to do Piyo core and of course due to lack of strength and t-rex arms, I seriously have to modify it. I can do a side plank with my leg down but when I try to due a full on plank I find myself being so close to the floor it makes it difficult to do the moves right. I hope that with repetition and bigger muscles that it will become less difficult. I am thinking of trying something that will give my arm a little more reach making it easier for me to complete the exercises but won't until I have 100% control of my arm and wrist (last thing I need is a broken wrist)

I love Piyo it has helped with my flexibility and stress level. You think oh it is not really a work out but you are wrong. I sweat and am sore in places I didn't even know existed!! I started this program because I have plantar fasciitis and was able to do it with minimal pain. Today was the first day I have exercised since I tore my plantar and using my toe grip socks I was able to maintain a lot of control and get a good work out in. Now I am enjoying a delicious greek yogurt and pineapple snack before heading out the get a Leg Press!!! So excited for that.

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