Sunday, January 11, 2015

Meal Prep........To me the most important thing to do before starting!!!

This is where anal retentiveness comes in LOL. I love/hate doing meal prep but, I have found that if I do meal prep it makes my week go by with ease and with two of us doing challenges and doing 2 meal plans I need all the help I can get. I can't live with out

Snack size, sandwich, and quart ziplock bags
My collapsible measuring cups
Digital food scale

I do all my veggies in 1 cup increments and I write what it is and 1 cup on the baggie. My meat is in 3 or 4 oz depending on what it is and my husband gets 6 oz Chopped up and written on the baggie. Fruit for me is measured in cups and put in a bag and our nuts are 20 pieces at a time in a bag with the type and amount written on it.

I make a huge batch of rice and put it in a container in the fridge. Next I make my steel cut oats in the crock pot with apples and Cinnamon. Then I put it in a container in the fridge. When I am ready for them I measure them out in 1/2 cup increments that way my husband can either have 1/2 cup or 1 cup of whatever starch he needs. I measure out pre-done sweet potatoes and edamame and put them back in a bag with their measurements and what they are into the freezer.

During the week I just grab what I need throw it together and cook what ever protein needs to be done. So fast and so easy!!

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